Joss Real Madrid Despair Equals Barcas Delight.

Joss Real Madrid Despair Equals Barcas Delight.

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Since his tenure at Real Madrid began, it is hard to digest that Jos Mourinho ever uttered the phrase Barca, in my heart today, tomorrow, and forever. Well, he did. Mind you, it was all the way back in 1997, and to be fair, a lot has changed since then. Over the last decade Jos Mourinho has developed into what many would consider as one of the greatest football coaches of the modern era. In fact, he has done so well, that back in 2004 he earned himself the rather self-appointed title of The Special One. Nobody Joakim Noah Jersey needs reminding of his many achievements so far even at the tender age of 48, and if evidence is required then you only need to take one quick glance at his trophy cabinet, which unquestionably puts Mark Sparky Hughes to shame. Despite his big personality and ego, Mourinho is widely respected and popular within the footballing World, and most would rank him incredibly highly. So why after all of this has Jos been scowling so much over the last two years? It boils down to one thing, and one thing only: the unquenchable dominance of Barcelona.Mourinho being given his marching orders.Barcelona, although Im not their biggest fan personally, are currently the best team in the World. Some go as far to say that they are collectively one of the greatest teams to have ever graced a football pitch; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that. Even the infamously unyielding Sir Alex Ferguson recently admitted that Barca are by far the best team. If we ever needed any more proof! Anyway, Im not here to blow Barcelonas trumpet, and Im pretty certain that Jos isnt either. My theory is, if we bare in mind the credibility and talent of Jos Mourinho, that the more he defames and criticises the Catalan outfit, the longer than he cannot recognise Barcelonas superiority, the more this signals how good they actually are. The more that he lives with this anti-Barcelona bitterne s, the clearer it becomes that Barcelona are currently invincible, and theres nothing, simply nothing, that he can do about it.Personally I love Jos Mourinho, I think hes a great coach, and a very clever character. I believe however, that the sooner that he admits Barcas footballing hegemony, the better for himself personally and his team. The divide between Mourinho and Barcelona has widened to the extent, that nowadays El Cla sico matches are best remembered for something that Mourinho either said or did before/ after the match out of pure spite for his rivals. The fact that this grudge is slowly getting the better of Jos became patently clear to me in a recent interview, where on being asked whether hed still be content winning La Liga, despite not beating Barcelona, he answered without pause, with a venom in his eyes, YES. The sheer mention of the word Barcelona brought a scowl acro s his pretty face. It seems to me, that his mind will only rest once he has banished the Catalan team from the history books. Unfortunately however, Mourinhosstubbornne s only goes to reiterate Barcelonas superiority, because it is a battle that thePortugueseis still far from winning. Im sure that it is still fresh in the memory of most, the moment in 2010 when Mourinhos then Inter Milan parked a yard-full of buses in Bill Walton Jersey front of the Barcelona attack, thereby earning themselves a narrow but deserved place in the Champions League final. At the time I found it very amusing, and quite satisfying, when Mourinho ran onto the pitch, pointed his finger at the Barca supporters and eventually clashed with Victor Valdes. Looking back on it, this moment of mad joy, if anything, detracts from Inters victory that evening, and praises the capabilities of Barcelona. The gesture, although earned, was provocative and probably unnece sary. But Montrezl Harrell Jersey the fact that Mourinhos instinctive reaction was to run onto the pitch simply to mock the Barcelona fans, simply shows how much better a team they are than anything Mourinho has yet managed to a semble himself. In that single moment, he significantly detracted from the victory that Inter had achieved, and immediately brought the i sue back to his insecurities regarding his Catelan arch-enemies.In other El Cla sicos, Jos has always had a lot to say. Unfortunately, this has always worked against him. In April 2011 he was sent off during one of the clashes between the two giants, after poking the eye of one of Barcelonas coaches. Anything to get one over on them. On another occasion Mourinho challenged Pep Guardiola to win a trophy without cheating. This denial of Barcas rightfulascensionto the footballing throne, however, has been going on a lot longer than the time he has spent at Madrid. Back in his succe sful days at Chelsea, after a 2v1 defeat against the Spaniards, Mourinho claimed that manager Frank Rijkaard had spoken to referee Anders Frisk during the half-time interval. Hardly a year later, the fixture repeated, the Portuguese criticised Lionel Me si, asking how do you say cheating in Catalan? Barcelona is a great cultural city with many great theatres and this boy has learned very well. Hes learned play acting.One day I would like to see Mourinho back in the Premier League. Hes a better manager than Guardiola, and an inspiring character. What he has achieved at Real Madrid is extremely commendable, and they have a great chance of winning La Liga this year. Yet I fear, even if they do, that nobody will accept that Real Madrid are the better team. Hence, I dont believe that even on winning La Ligathat Jos will give up the ghost.
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